Friday, August 10, 2007

Strained Simile

Ezra Klein wrote that:
It's one of the depressing oddities of the presidential campaign that the candidate with the most "credentials" on terror is the candidate whose city was unprepared to stop, or effectively respond, to the worst terrorist attack in American history. It would be as if the CEO of a company that engaged in Enron-like practices emerged a champion of corporate rectitude because after his firm was found out, he gave a really good speech, and seemed somewhat upset.
It would be like that if New York had attacked itself. I wonder how Ezra thinks New York might have been prepared to stop the attacks. An international NYC intelligence apparatus? NYC fighter jets?

1 comment:

Abu Noor Al-Irlandee said...

You don't respond to Mr. Klein's argument that New York's response to the attacks was lacking.

Moreover, the point is not to criticize Mr. Giuliani but just to state that is unclear why being the mayor of a city that was attacked and perhaps making a speech about it is reason to believe one is especially effective in preventing terrorism or addressing security concerns in general.

Also, my understanding is that since 9/11 the NYPD has actually taken it upon itself to develop international intelligence capabilities.